Hopetown staff is committed to Aboriginal Education and embeds engaging, relevant and rewarding programs in daily activities for all students. Approximately one quarter of our students identify their ATSI heritage.
Our yearly initiatives include:
- Students in mixed class groups across the school working in transforming Hopetown School's 'Sorry Garden' into a larger area for students which includes a bush tucker garden. This involves the removal of old and dated structures, beautifying the area and the planting of native flora.
- Hopetown School will again host a NAIDOC Week activity, where possible engaging parents, carers and community members.
- Establishment of a ‘Didge' group, with the plan to source a person with expertise in this area, to teach and mentor students.
- Review of students' Personalised Learning Plans, updating where necessary. New students will be supported with the development of their PLPs.
- Family Trees program. This will allow students to know and appreciate their heritage, where they are from and history of their area, totems, and any interesting facts such as famous people from that area. The intention is that this will provide students with a sense of identity, to set personal goals, and be inspired by their ancestors.
- Danny will continue to tutor individual students in their creativity (music composition and performance). He will also provide mentoring for selected students through a program designed in consultation with the Executive.
- Students and staff designed and now proudly wear a Hopetown shirt that includes the totem animals of all of our nations.