Hopetown School provides special education services to students living within the Central Coast Region. The school's purpose is to provide on-campus programs (Years 3 - 12) for students with emotional disturbance and whose special needs cannot be adequately met in regular school settings.
Programming in all Key Learning Areas enables students to potentially achieve a credential that best meets their learning needs and abilities.
For all students enrolled at the school, our aim is to develop skills to negotiate the world around them and equip themselves for adult life. We aim to develop student positive self-image, gaining confidence in their ability to operate as a self-managing individual and to cope with difficult life circumstances. We seek to equip young people with a diverse range of skills for meaningful and participation in the life of the community.
The primary purpose of enrolment at Hopetown School is the development of student emotional literacy, i.e. self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy and motivation. The school has a strong emphasis on student welfare with a range of programs designed to meet the specific learning needs of our students. The development of basic skills including literacy, numeracy and vocational competencies is a major priority.
The development of Individual Behaviour, Education and Transition Plans to assist students to attain appropriate and achievable personal goals in conjunction with a range of innovative class/group programs. Staff work in a team-focused environment where decision making is collaborative and where staff support is actively implemented to ensure staff welfare is maintained.