HopeTown School

Connect Succeed Thrive

Telephone02 4353 2522


Covid 19 Update

The Premier and Minister for Education have announced changes to school settings for the remainder of Term 1.

The following changes are due to come into effect from Monday 28 February:

· We will move to symptomatic testing. Tests are to be used if students are symptomatic or there are cases in their class. The school can provide each student with enough tests for the remainder of the term.

·Those who wish to continue to use masks will be supported to do so.

· Visitors can be allowed back on the school site. Activities such as assemblies, parent-teacher meetings, Parent Group and other gatherings can occur. All visitors are asked to follow our usual sign-in process including using the QR Code sign in.

Hopetown will continue to ensure COVID-smart measures are in place, including vaccinations, maximizing natural ventilation in learning spaces, continued good hand hygiene practices and enhanced cleaning.

Thank you for your continuing efforts in supporting the school during the pandemic.